World of Warcraft Healing Profession Sky is Falling Underground Fortress Copperbeard Tank Specialization to be Nerfed

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The settings that allow players to play well will soon be fixed. Blizzard blue post announced that the tank will be tank specialization tanks will be weakened, and healing to play underground fortress in addition to the use of tanks or rely on who it.

In the first few days after the opening of Season 2, we noticed that Brian’s Tank Specialization showed overwhelming dominance in completing dungeon forts. While we’re happy to provide a healing-focused Fortress experience for players who prefer a healing playstyle, Bryan’s newly introduced Tank Specialization demonstrated too much strength when players took a conservative approach and focused solely on healing him. Our goal is to keep Bryan’s specializations relatively balanced with each other, while ensuring that the difficulty of the Dungeon Fortress provides a satisfying and progressively challenging experience, regardless of a player’s chosen play style. With this goal in mind, we will be adjusting the values of the Tank Specialization Bryan during maintenance in each region.


Bryan Copperbeard

Electrical Charging Apparatus Damage Gain effect is now increased by 30 damage per tier Originally 25.

Electrical Charging Device Damage Gain no longer stacks with sustained healing or passive non-active healing type effects from DPS and Tank specializations.

For Healing specialties, Electrical Charging Device Damage Gain now adds 5 seconds of sustained healing Passive healing effects have a built-in cooldown that does not affect the casting of non-sustained healing or non-passive beneficial spells.

Adjusted the maximum stacks of Electrical Charging Device Damage Gain to 12, previously 20.

Tank Specialization’s Musket Blitz damage reduced by 35 .

Tank Specialization’s Musket Blitz damage is reduced when dealing with more than 8 targets.

Tank Specialization’s Electrical Charge Pistol damage is reduced by 35.

Tank Specialization’s Pistol Shot damage is reduced by 15 .

Tank Expertise Brian takes 60 more damage .

Tank Expertise Brian’s maximum life is reduced by 20 .

Copperbeard Brown Bear’s melee auto attack damage is reduced by 80 .

Bronzebeard Brown Bear’s second trample damage is reduced by 25 .

Bronze-whiskered brown bear’s third trample damage is reduced by 35 .

Bronze Whiskered Brown Bear’s trample damage is reduced when dealing damage to more than 8 targets.

Marked Enhancement Chips now provide a 4 6 8 10 Max Lifesteal bonus based on level.

Marked Enhancement Chips now cause bots to lose all hate when they attack Brian.

Marked Enhancement Chips’ lock-on mitigation effect will be displayed as a large icon.

Brian will double benefit from the Copperbeard Brown Bear’s maximum life and dodge chance bonuses.

As always, our goal is to provide a more balanced experience that promotes a variety of play styles and options. We will be closely monitoring the actual player experience in the Undercroft over the next few days and adjusting the balance further as needed. Thank you all for your feedback!


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