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Good news Copper whiskers currently have a few ways to increase, bad news 13 is going to be weakened.
So, before it’s weakened, grab the 11th floor that’s less than that or the Gilt Crest that’s not full yet.
Base boosting method, we match the tank specialization, 2 rare play Mechanical Tyrannosaurus Rex and 3D Biological Printer.
Mechanical Tyrannosaurus Easy Assembly Kit, Effect Summon Magic Tyrannosaurus Eggs and hatch them!
3D Bio-Printer, Effect: When used with 40 blood experience, it has a chance to duplicate the Copper Whisker.
The above 2 Jenga together, stacked 2 effects, can let us summon a very large number of Mecha Tyrannosaurus Rex, I have tested the effect of 2 people together will be better, can summon a bunch of Mecha Tyrannosaurus Rex.
If you are healing with HOT, then congratulations you have another enhancement. We continue to give the copper beard on the HOT, he will continue to stack Electrical Charge Weapon effect, I myself measured can be stacked to 275. And before a player test is can go to 500 , not sure if it is hot repair, but still very powerful. There is no hot treatment like shaman effect is not so strong, but still can let the BUFF superposition, damage is also very considerable, the whole treatment we can not output, let the copper beard big brother to take us through on the line.
The above 3 increase, can help us especially treatment in the case of equipment is not high can also try to even quickly with the abundance of 11C underground fort.
Of course, the blue post has explained that after the 13th CD update, the copper beard tank specialization will be weakened, tomorrow there is still a day, we can go to try the above three content, at least let us get the achievement of the 11th floor and the gilt crest it!
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