Endless Winter Resident defense belt penetration and life are the same

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01 Endless Winter About Gathering and Garrisoning SIMPLE TITLE


The Endless Winter on regrouping and garrisoning SIMPLE TITLE

The Endless Winter About Mobilization and Garrisoning


Players are often confused between Jesse and Sergei when choosing a garrison hero. On the surface, the two skills seem to be equal, respectively 20 damage reduction and 25 damage increase, but the actual combat effect is very different. The key lies in the different attribute stacking mechanism The damage reduction attribute adopts additive stacking, such as Jessie 20 damage reduction plus Sergei 20 damage reduction is equal to 40 damage reduction, suitable for defense scenarios While the damage increase attribute adopts multiplicative stacking, the two 25 damage increase skills stacked only 56 25 damage increase, diminishing returns, need to be paired with other attributes to enhance the total output.

Therefore, it is recommended to choose the heroes of addition stacking on the defensive side, such as the combination of Jesse and Sergei, to quickly increase the rate of injury reduction On the offensive side, we should avoid pure injury stacking, and we need to amplify the benefits through penetration, attack and other attributes.

01 Endless Winter Damage multiplication and addition SIMPLE TITLE

Endless Winter: Damage multiplication and addition SIMPLE TITLE

Endless Winter Damage Multiplication and Addition Intervals

The game’s special weapon attributes and body attributes are independent multiplication zones, a mechanic that has a geometric effect on combat power. For example, if Nemo’s 15 Rally Penetration special is stacked with 4 Jesse’s to provide 20 penetration each, the base penetration of 400 will be multiplied to 575 penetration. If you switch to 4 Sergei, the life value will increase to 718,75. In practice, the penetration attribute is prioritized over the life and attack and defense attributes, because penetration and life attributes are subject to multiple multipliers such as special weapons, body, medicine, and so on, the upper limit of the gain is very high, while the attack and defense attributes are easily offset by the enemy’s mitigation skills, and the increase is mostly a stack of additions.

According to the top players in the national service actual test, the special martial arts bonus independent of the body of the expedition attribute. For example, the body comes with Expedition 1 to provide 10 penetration, the special weapon provides 15 bonus, the final penetration for the basic attributes multiplied by 1 Expedition 1 bonus and then multiplied by 1 special weapon bonus. This means that the body’s Expedition 1 attribute can be regarded as the base value, and the Specialized Martial Arts multiplication will further magnify the benefit. Therefore, the front end of the High Commissioner’s vehicle should be prioritized to match the high Expedition body.

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