The day is bright and the wheels are turning.
Lineup Code 010a2e2d291638270e2437TFTSet4 Act2
Shamira XV Any 4-cost Chosen
Formation Code 012427013a2f2029100537TFTSet4 Act2
Jade Sword Any Chosen Male Sword Wind Woman
Formation code 010f0a0e38272c1a373a00TFTSet4 Act2
Angel of Judgment Chosen at will
Formation Code 01110e3816143527173700TFTSet4 Act2
Preferably Verdict Chosen, 4 Verdicts can deal a bludgeoning blow to any piece with less than 99 life.
6 10 Fortunes Chosen 6 Fortunes, Chosen 4 Rulings 10 Fortunes
Formation Code 012b030913252f17242621TFTSet4 Act2
Olaf, King Barbarian, Carter, Northerner, and Pike in the middle of the game.
9 11 Three Kingdoms Chosen Turn 9, Chosen 3 Turn 11
Lineup Code 011e0d103213222f242105TFTSet4 Act2
Recommended to play if you have a triple turn, turn to Sharmila Sethi
8 Doo Serti Nu Nu Chosen 8
Lineup Code 012b19321f280821260000TFTSet4 Act2
Mediocre lineup, not so cool, but guaranteed points, molding is also very simple
9 Forest Chosen Forest Forest turn 9
Lineup Code 0119181f23313521042600TFTSet4 Act2
It is recommended to play with Forest Turn, you can start with Annie with Forest Turn and meat suit to transition the first and middle stages
9 11 Fishy Red Chosen Fishy Red 9, Chosen Double Turn 11
Lineup Code 010b3033221229013a2124TFTSet4 Act2
Recommended to play with Fishy exclusive rune or Fishy turn, 11 Fishy has 2 summons that are very strong
8 Dueling Aso Chosen 6, plus sword Ji turn Chosen 8
Lineup code 0136110e1214272f173700TFTSet4 Act2
Recommended to play when opening with 2 star Aso and also swiping a Chosen Aso
Mountain and Sea Heavy Secret Any Chosen Neko
Lineup Code 010f1c1d380125213a2708TFTSet4 Act2
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