After the official nerf just after the first week, people are realizing that gear isn’t selling well anymore
TOC 258 holy gear is devalued severely, and the high starting price is boycotted by players!
This week, after the HTOC adjustment, coupled with the application of a variety of H Xiaoqiang black technology, the difficulty of the entire copy of the greatly reduced, many teams to take the 4 1 method of play to quickly pass. However, as the difficulty decreases, the number of small players increases, and equipment spending power decreases, resulting in equipment prices plummeted, and even no one bidding.
Many players have begun to question whether it is necessary to stick to the 1W gold coin starting price for the 258 sets of the gold group. According to the official plug-in statistics, most of the current server 258 suit price has fallen below 1W gold, in the case of the official plug-in to affect the psychological price of the players, still adhere to the high price of the starting auction, it is indeed difficult to maintain the market demand.
After the national service HTOC magic change 5H gain is not as good as 4 1, H small strong into a hot potato
In the 5H all-pass group, the H small strong subsidy problem is more so that many players straight call can not eat, and even lead to more and more people choose to fast brush 4 1, rather than playing 5H all-pass.
The only boss that hasn’t been nerfed is the H Boss.
Despite the fact that the first four bosses have been nerfed to the extent that it is possible to have a hand, H is still the only boss in HTOC that has not been nerfed.
Even with the help of black techs and WA plugins, it still requires a lot of skilled workers and specific professions such as the Middle Worm T, Ice DK, and Spine Bone healer to kill it consistently.
There are many different kinds of subsidies, and the amount is huge.
Ice pulling, ball blocking, spiking, and other exclusive subsidies are endless, and there are even healing subsidies, tank subsidies, and team leader subsidies.
A player shared that a trip through HTOC yielded 120,000 coins, but the subsidies alone accounted for 20 to 30 percent of the total.
What’s even more outrageous is that if H dropped a Tank Cloak or Healing Cloak, the amount of money sold would be even less than the subsidies.
Orange Hammer Healing Subsidy Controversy
Certain groups have even set up Orange Hammer Healing Subsidies, with one Orange Hammer Healing Subsidy of 1,000 gold, and 5 Orange Hammers going for 5,000 gold, which has caused dissatisfaction amongst players.
Some players believe that tasks such as pulling ice and blocking balls, which should be within the scope of professional duties, are actually subsidized, further exacerbating the economic pressure on the 5H all-around group.
The game of revenue and efficiency
5H All Access is not as profitable as 41
Due to the high difficulty and huge subsidy of H, the actual return of 5H is much lower than that of 41.
More and more players are choosing to speedbrush 41 because it takes less time and gives them more stable returns.
Smaller groups tend to favor 41
The current situation is that the difficulty of the first four bosses is extremely low, and the 258 sets and weapons have all been moved forward.
Smaller groups are more inclined to 4 1 rather than waste time fighting the 5H pass.
HTOC’s awkward situation
When the national service announced the weakening program, many players had already expected that H Xiaoqiang would be left out in the cold, but I did not expect it to come so quickly.
Due to the advancement of the prize box drop, the value of H has dropped dramatically, even if there is still 272 cloak finale, it is difficult to stimulate the interest of the players to play 5H.
H is not attractive enough.
Limited Equipment Attractiveness
Unlike O’Doul’s Stargazer, which has better drops, such as Comet’s Mark, the strongest trinket in P2 Physics.
The situation might be different if Death Ruling was an H drop, or if Death Ruling had stronger attributes.
Low price/performance ratio
All in all, the HTOC adjustments have resulted in a low cost-performance ratio for H-boosters, and players are more willing to fast-track their 4-1s than to play a full mission.
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